The Asterisk Development Team would like to announce the first
release candidate of Asterisk 19.0.0.
This release candidate is available for immediate download at

The release of Asterisk 19.0.0-rc1 resolves several issues reported by the
community and would have not been possible without your participation.

Thank you!

The following issues are resolved in this release candidate:

Deprecations made in this release:
 * ASTERISK-29601 - moduleinfo: Add replacement module
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29602 - res_monitor: Disable building by default.
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29600 - muted: Remove deprecated application
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29599 - conf2ael: Remove deprecated application
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29598 - res_config_sqlite: Remove deprecated module

      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29597 - chan_vpb: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29596 - chan_misdn: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29595 - chan_nbs: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29594 - chan_phone: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29593 - chan_oss: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29592 - cdr_syslog: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29591 - app_dahdiras: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29590 - app_nbscat: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29589 - app_image: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29588 - app_url: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29587 - app_fax: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29586 - app_ices: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29585 - app_mysql: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29584 - cdr_mysql: Remove deprecated module
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29548 - app_meetme: Deprecated in 19, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29549 - app_osploop: Deprecated in 19, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29550 - chan_alsa: Deprecated in 19, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29551 - chan_mgcp: Deprecated in 19, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29552 - chan_skinny: Deprecated in 19, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29553 - res_pktccops: Deprecated in 19, to be
      removed in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29558 - app_macro: Deprecated in 16, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29567 - chan_sip: Deprecated in 17, to be removed in
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29572 - res_monitor: Deprecated in 16, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)

Security bugs fixed in this release:
 * ASTERISK-29381 - chan_pjsip: Remote denial of service by an
      authenticated user
      (Reported by Ivan Poddubny)
 * ASTERISK-29415 - Crash in PJSIP TLS transport 
      (Reported by Andrew Yager)
 * ASTERISK-29305 - ASTERISK-29203 / AST-2021-002 -- Another
      scenario is causing a crash
      (Reported by Gregory Massel)
 * ASTERISK-29260 - sRTP Replay Protection ignored; even tears
      down long calls
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29227 - res_pjsip_diversion: sending multiple 181
      responses causes memory corruption and crash
      (Reported by
      Ivan Poddubny)
 * ASTERISK-29219 - res_pjsip_diversion: Crash if Tel URI
      contains History-Info
      (Reported by Torrey Searle)
 * ASTERISK-29057 - pjsip: Crash on call rejection during high
      (Reported by Sandro Gauci)

New Features made in this release:
 * ASTERISK-29656 - Add CHANNEL_EXISTS function
      by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29496 - Add SendMF application
      (Reported by N
 * ASTERISK-29627 - Add STRBETWEEN function
      (Reported by N
 * ASTERISK-29628 - Add file and directory functions
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29531 - Add SAYFILES function
      (Reported by N
 * ASTERISK-29546 - Add tone detection module
      (Reported by
      N A)
 * ASTERISK-18454 - Option for Read to be able to accept #
      (Reported by Sta Retji)
 * ASTERISK-29542 - Add audio scrambler
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29478 - Function to drop frames in the TX or RX
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29389 - Add PJSIP_HEADERS() and ability to read
      header by pattern
      (Reported by Igor Goncharovsky)
 * ASTERISK-11 - AGI channel_status failure
      (Reported by
 * ASTERISK-29477 - Function to asynchronously store digits
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29454 - New application to reload modules
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29444 - Add application to wait for condition
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29442 - app_dial: Expand A option to allow
      announcement playback to caller
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29446 - app_confbridge: New ConfKick application
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29440 - app_confbridge: Allow ConfBridge answer to
      be suppressed
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29431 - Minimum and maximum dialplan functions
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29439 - func_volume: Volume function can't be read
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-27477 - Chan_pjsip does not support unauthenticated
      OPTIONS ping
      (Reported by Ross Beer)
 * ASTERISK-29027 - Implement support for History-Info
      (Reported by Torrey Searle)

Bugs fixed in this release:
 * ASTERISK-20219 - [patch] - IAX2 Call Encryption Fails with
      RSA authentication
      (Reported by Michael Munger)
 * ASTERISK-29402 - res_pjsip_t38: Socket is bound to IPv4/IPv6
      but platform does not support it
      (Reported by Matthew
 * ASTERISK-29673 - app_read: Fix null pointer crash regression

      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29671 - res_rtp_asterisk: memory leak
      (Reported by Jean Aunis - Prescom)
 * ASTERISK-29668 - ari: Listing bridges fails when dialing
      bridge exists
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29663 - messaging: AMI MessageSend does not support
      same parameters as dialplan application
      (Reported by Brian
      J. Murrell)
 * ASTERISK-29578 - app_queue: Custom device state using
      included hints do not update
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29660 - Build failure when disabling PJSIP support
      (Reported by Guido Falsi)
 * ASTERISK-29654 - pjproject includes trailing whitespace in
      sdp format attributes
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-29635 - MP3Player don' t work with actual mpg123
      (Reported by Carlos Oliva)
 * ASTERISK-29629 - ARI external media channel creation doesn't
      set option data
      (Reported by sungtae kim)
 * ASTERISK-27176 - test_abstract_jb: frames leak
      (Reported by Corey Farrell)
 * ASTERISK-29634 - res_snmp:  gcc 11 needs -fPIC to compile
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-29630 - Asterisk is unable to read extended number
      format terminfo files
      (Reported by Sean Bright)
 * ASTERISK-28004 - dns: Core ast_dns_get_nameservers does not
      support configured IPv6 servers
      (Reported by Isaac
 * ASTERISK-29618 - ConfBridge errors on creation conference
      (Reported by Alexander Zharov)
 * ASTERISK-29622 - ARI: external media create doesn't use body
      (Reported by sungtae kim)
 * ASTERISK-29614 - app_agent_pool: XML Doc: unterminated entity
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29609 - Subsequent 'ael reload' will cause a lock
      (Reported by Mark Murawski)
 * ASTERISK-28701 - app_queue: Core reload resets queue stats,
      even when keepstats=yes
      (Reported by Luke Escude)
 * ASTERISK-29616 - res_rtp_asterisk: sqrt(.) requires the
      header math.h.
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29518 - sig_analog: FCG_CAMA fails to signal ANI
      spill when using MF signaling
      (Reported by Sarah Autumn)
 * ASTERISK-29582 - res_pjproject: Can't map pjproject log
      messages to Asterisk TRACE
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-29575 - app_milliwatt: Milliwatt application doesn't
      use the proper timings
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-20339 - chan_mgcp, resp_pktccops ast_debug support
      (Reported by Tomas Maldonado)
 * ASTERISK-29540 - aelparse: include of context with timings
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29539 - Segmentation fault at ast_writestream() when
      write handler not defined (happens with OGG/Speex)
      (Reported by Ernani José Camargo Azevedo)
 * ASTERISK-29494 - cdr_adaptive_odbc: Prevent throwing warnings
      if CDR filtering is used
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29513 - statsd: Remove non-standard metric type
      (Reported by Rijnhard Hessel)
 * ASTERISK-12 - app_voicemail2 became a bit silent, lately
      (Reported by siggi)
 * ASTERISK-29526 - G729 audio gets corrupted by Asterisk due to
      (Reported by under)
 * ASTERISK-29392 - chan_iax2: Asterisk crashes when queueing
      video with format
      (Reported by Michael Welk)
 * ASTERISK-27871 - Remote URL in playback must end with file
      (Reported by Caesar)
 * ASTERISK-29507 - STUN timeout is silently delaying calls
      (Reported by Sébastien Duthil)
 * ASTERISK-29514 - ari: Audiosocket segfault when no data
      (Reported by Igor Goncharovsky)
 * ASTERISK-29503 - Updated identify/match syntax not supported
      by config wizard
      (Reported by Sean Bright)
 * ASTERISK-29480 - fixedjitterbuffer contains an un-wrappered
      assert that triggers on a negative time slew
      (Reported by
      Dan Cropp)
 * ASTERISK-29485 - core: Inband generation of tones for Busy()
      and Congestion() may not occur
      (Reported by Joshua C.
 * ASTERISK-29479 - [patch] Channels are not put on hold for
      Session Progress with inactive audio
      (Reported by Bernd
 * ASTERISK-29475 - SayNumber triggers WARNING if caller hangs
      up during application execution
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29404 - Consolidate res_pjsip_messaging fixes for
      domain name
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-29441 - Core reload making TCP endpoints go offline

      (Reported by Luke Escude)
 * ASTERISK-28237 - "FRACK!, Failed assertion bad magic number"
      happens when unsubscribe an application from an event source
      (Reported by Lucas Tardioli Silveira)
 * ASTERISK-28393 - Multidomain support issue
      (Reported by
      Andrea Sannucci)
 * ASTERISK-29433 - res_rtp_asterisk: Server reflexive
      candidates use incorrect raddr for RTCP
      (Reported by
 * ASTERISK-29397 - pjsip: Asterisk isn't tolerant of RFC8760
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-24601 - [patch]Missing RFC4235 tags and attributes
      in PJSIP NOTIFY event: dialog  XML body
      (Reported by Marco
 * ASTERISK-29372 - file.c switch does not account for flash
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29370 - chan_sip does not recognize
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29377 - cpool_release_pool "double free or
      corruption (out)"
      (Reported by Robert Sutton)
 * ASTERISK-29358 - chan_pjsip: Trace message for progress is
      output even if frame is not queued
      (Reported by Michael
 * ASTERISK-29030 - res_rtp_asterisk: Additional RTP-frame (with
      wrong SSRC) gets inserted when switching from progress to
      (Reported by Matthias Hensler)
 * ASTERISK-29407 - chan_local: Filtering audio formats should
      not occur on removed streams
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29328 - translate.c: possible buffer overflow when
      (Reported by Jean Aunis - Prescom)
 * ASTERISK-29379 - Segfault - ast_channel_is_multistream
      (chan=0x0) at channel_internal_api.c:1590
      (Reported by
      Ross Beer)
 * ASTERISK-29130 - prometheus: Crash when scraping bridge
      (Reported by Francisco Correia)
 * ASTERISK-29364 - res_rtp_asterisk: standard deviation
      (Reported by Kevin Harwell)
 * ASTERISK-29373 - res_rtp_asterisk: Flash events are
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-28356 - app_queue: CLI set ringinuse for realtime
      member not working
      (Reported by Michael)
 * ASTERISK-24434 - Fix differing usage of assignment operators
      in modules.conf
      (Reported by Rusty Newton)
 * ASTERISK-26614 - app_queue: updatecdr option in queues.conf
      does effectively nothing
      (Reported by Alexander Gonchiy)
 * ASTERISK-24631 - Incorrect description of option "context" in
      (Reported by Etienne Lessard)
 * ASTERISK-25358 - dateformat not read from logger.conf by
      remote console
      (Reported by Igor Liferenko)
 * ASTERISK-27542 - app_queue: When "queue show" CLI command is
      executed a crash occurs
      (Reported by Miguel Sanz)
 * ASTERISK-29215 - res_pjsip_session: NULL active_media_state
      topology caused asterisk crash
      (Reported by sungtae kim)
 * ASTERISK-29355 - app_queue: Queue member status message sent
      even if status doesn't change
      (Reported by Roman Pertsev)
 * ASTERISK-29035 - chan_local: Multistream support breaks T.38
      (Reported by Matthias Hensler)
 * ASTERISK-29354 - res_pjsip: Allow partial reloading of
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29348 - menuselect doesn't return errors in many
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-29352 - res_rtp_asterisk: Fix frame delivery time
      when SSRC changes
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29071 - app_confbridge: Memory rises when
      jitterbuffer enabled and muting over AMI occurs
      by Stefan Ruf)
 * ASTERISK-29329 - app_dial: DTMF to 'D' option gets duplicated
      if there are multiple progress events
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29306 - strings: Incorrect use of
      __attribute__((pure)) in ast_str_to_lower definition
      (Reported by Vitezslav Novy)
 * ASTERISK-29300 - res_rtp_asterisk: When native local bridging
      the remote SSRC becomes permanent
      (Reported by Sebastian
 * ASTERISK-29235 - res_pjsip_nat: Contact is rewritten on
      REGISTER responses with external_signaling_address
      (Reported by Brian Paboojian)
 * ASTERISK-29266 - ICE Role conflict with an unauthorized
      (Reported by Salah Ahmed)
 * ASTERISK-29105 - chan_pjsip: 180 Ringing with SDP not changed
      into progress
      (Reported by Sebastian Damm)
 * ASTERISK-29297 - say: Y2021 problem – Asterisk cannot say
      year 2021 in Dutch
      (Reported by Jacek Konieczny)
 * ASTERISK-29315 - res_pjsip: re-registration gets stuck if
      setting initial auth credentials fails
      (Reported by Nick
 * ASTERISK-29312 - res_fax: asterisk fails to publish the
      Stasis and ReceiveFax status messages if the remote Station ID
      contains invalid UTF-8 characters
      (Reported by Alexei
 * ASTERISK-16799 - Callee declined when 'beep' audio file does
      not exist
      (Reported by IAMJames_)
 * ASTERISK-29313 - res_pjsip_refer:  Segfault in progress
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-28452 - pjsip: <sess-version> of SDP is not
      incremented though SDP may be changed on reinvite without SDP
      (Reported by Michael Maier)
 * ASTERISK-29311 - res_odbc_transaction sets forcecommit
      default value based on isolation level instead of forcecommit
      (Reported by Jaco Kroon)
 * ASTERISK-29303 - pjsip: Re-invite occurs when it shouldn't
      (Reported by Benjamin Keith Ford)
 * ASTERISK-29293 - res_config_pgsql: Limit realtime_pgsql() to
      return one (no more) record
      (Reported by Boris P. Korzun)
 * ASTERISK-28369 - app_queue: Member device state "invalid"
      when second call is ringing and hint is used
      (Reported by
      Boolah )
 * ASTERISK-29287 - app.h: C++ compatibility broken
      (Reported by Jean Aunis - Prescom)
 * ASTERISK-29203 - res_pjsip_t38: Crash when changing state
      (Reported by Gregory Massel)
 * ASTERISK-29205 - res_rtp_asterisk: Asterisk crashes when
      making hold/unhold from webrtc client
      (Reported by Edvin
 * ASTERISK-29196 - res_pjsip: Segmentation fault
      (Reported by Mauri de Souza Meneguzzo (3CPlus))
 * ASTERISK-29280 - chan_sip: Allow peers without audio
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29265 - chan_sip: Allow text+video media streams,
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29259 - channel: Allow text+video media streams,
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29261 - res_pjsip: user=phone validation fail for
      isup numbers containing *#
      (Reported by Mark Petersen)
 * ASTERISK-29258 - chan_sip: Audio stream rejected, Other
      stream present: Invalid SDP.
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29248 - res_pjsip_session: res sometimes
      uninitialized reported by compiler Clang.
      (Reported by
      Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29220 - After T38 reinvite response of 488 a
      subsequent G711 reinvite is not processed correctly. Instead the
      previous T38 session media is used
      (Reported by Robert
 * ASTERISK-29229 - Stasis/messaging: text messages not
      dispatched to all subscribers when using generic subscription
      (Reported by Jean Aunis - Prescom)
 * ASTERISK-29238 - chan_sip: SDP: Offers without any enabled
      stream are accepted.
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29237 - chan_sip: SDP: m=video is parsed even when
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29222 - chan_sip: Hold/Resume an sRTP call on a
      video enabled user-agent.
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29240 - chan_pjsip: Incoming PJSIP calls set global
      SIPDOMAIN instead of a channel variable
      (Reported by Ivan
 * ASTERISK-27902 - chan_pjsip isn't updating hangupcause on 4XX
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-28016 - PJSIP sends duplicate 183 Progress
      (Reported by Alex Hermann)
 * ASTERISK-28185 - chan_pjsip: Subsequent same responses are
      not stopped
      (Reported by Julien)
 * ASTERISK-29230 - pjsip: Asterisk goes crazy and massively
      spams logfile if registration can't be send
      (Reported by
      Michael Maier)
 * ASTERISK-29231 - pjsip: SIGSEGV in CLI if no trunk is
      (Reported by Michael Maier)
 * ASTERISK-29217 - LOCK() can grant the same lock to multiple
      channels spuriously
      (Reported by Jaco Kroon)
 * ASTERISK-28947 - Segmentation fault in mixmonitor_ds_destroy

      (Reported by Robert Sutton)
 * ASTERISK-29201 - Crash occurs when Transfer and execute
      Hangup before the Transfer result 
      (Reported by Dan Cropp)
 * ASTERISK-29168 - Asterisk crashes during call transfer
      (Reported by Dalius Mockevicius)
 * ASTERISK-29210 - res_pjsip: Crash when examining transport
      (Reported by N GM )
 * ASTERISK-29191 - tel: URI in Diversion header causes crash
      (Reported by Mikhail Ivanov)
 * ASTERISK-28883 - Spyee information ist missing in ChanSpyStop
      AMI Event
      (Reported by Hendrik Wedhorn)
 * ASTERISK-29188 - null media causing the Asterisk crash
      (Reported by sungtae kim)
 * ASTERISK-29209 - Debug messages printed by scope trace might
      be missing newlines
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29024 - pjsip: Route Header in Cancel request
      incorrectly set
      (Reported by Flole Systems)
 * ASTERISK-29211 - res_musiconhold: Segfault on realtime music
      on hold without entries
      (Reported by Nathan Bruning)
 * ASTERISK-29022 - Crash when manipulating PJSIP invite dlg ref
      (Reported by Sean Bright)
 * ASTERISK-29173 - Media cache URL requests allow infinite
      (Reported by Sean Bright)
 * ASTERISK-29175 - res_pjsip_stir_shaken: Fix module
      (Reported by Stanislav Abramenkov)
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29165 - res_pjsip: malformed header Accept-Encoding
      in OPTIONS response
      (Reported by Alexander Greiner-Baer)
 * ASTERISK-28798 - [patch] chan_sip: TCP/TLS client without
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29161 - Incorrect setup of recall channels
      (Reported by Boris P. Korzun)
 * ASTERISK-29155 - app_queue: Deadlock between queues container
      and individual queues
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-28933 - fails to load when bundled
      pjproject is compiled without libssl
      (Reported by Walter
 * ASTERISK-28825 - Any curl response checks out as valid even
      if 404 is returned.
      (Reported by dovid)
 * ASTERISK-29013 - res_pjsip: Asterisk doesn't stop sending
      invites (with auth) on 407 replies
      (Reported by Sebastian
 * ASTERISK-29142 - doesn't read globbed
      (Reported by Michael Newton)
 * ASTERISK-29144 - GCC Warnings with OPTIMIZE=-Og make
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29146 - GCC Warnings: ‘%s’ directive argument is
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29145 - GCC Warnings with OPTIMIZE=-Os make
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29124 - res_pjsip: flow transport broken for
      outbound requests
      (Reported by Nick French)
 * ASTERISK-29136 - config: Sample features.conf incorrectly
      includes " around sound files
      (Reported by Benjamin M.)
 * ASTERISK-29123 - logger.conf.sample missing comment mark on
      line 115
      (Reported by Andrew Siplas)
 * ASTERISK-29109 - res_pjsip_session: Asterisk 18 does not
      progress calls due to codec negotiation after upgrading from
      Asterisk 16
      (Reported by Ross Beer)
 * ASTERISK-28430 - res_rtp_asterisk.c: FRACK!, Failed assertion
      errno != EBADF
      (Reported by under)
 * ASTERISK-29108 - resource_endpoints.c : Memory leak if
      endpoint not found
      (Reported by Jean Aunis - Prescom)
 * ASTERISK-29097 - res_pjsip_config_wizard: Crash when freeing
      string when failing to add extension
      (Reported by Vieri)
 * ASTERISK-26424 - app_voicemail: Undocumented behavior from
      (Reported by Eric Smith)
 * ASTERISK-29051 - res_pjsip_sdp_rtp: Does not set correct
      values on RTP instance when "auto" DTMF is used
      by Sebastian Damm)
 * ASTERISK-29099 - res_musiconhold: Realtime MOH only loads a
      single entry
      (Reported by laszlovl)
 * ASTERISK-29091 - Crash when ast_translator_build_path fails
      (Reported by Jasper van der Neut)
 * ASTERISK-28311 - dsp: ast_dsp_silence_noise_with_energy wrong
      judgment of frame format
      (Reported by 周家建)
 * ASTERISK-29085 - func_curl: Segmentation fault when using
      CURL after setting httpheader CURLOPT
      (Reported by Péter
 * ASTERISK-24329 - Music On Hold announcement cuts intro of
      music the first time it is played
      (Reported by Thomas
 * ASTERISK-29089 - RTP Ports not cleared after hangup
      (Reported by Ross Beer)
 * ASTERISK-29081 - res_stasis: Add compare function for bridges
      moh container
      (Reported by Hajek Michal)
 * ASTERISK-28416 - Unable to get rtp codec payload code for
      (Reported by Brian J. Murrell)
 * ASTERISK-29014 - res_pjsip_session: Re-INVITE collisions
      aren't handled correctly
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-25665 - Duplicate logging in queue log for EXITEMPTY
      (Reported by Ove Aursand)
 * ASTERISK-29043 - app_queue: Leave empty sometimes not
      recorded as abandoned
      (Reported by Kfir Itzhak)
 * ASTERISK-29042 - res_parking: Parker UUID is no longer
      (Reported by Misha Vodsedalek)
 * ASTERISK-28878 - chan_pjsip: PJSIP_MEDIA_OFFER Broken
      asterisk 16
      (Reported by Joseph Ades)
 * ASTERISK-29046 - pbx: Deadlock when doing a reload, while
      simultaneously doing an ExtensionState on a pattern match hint
      that ends up adding an extension
      (Reported by Ramarajan)
 * ASTERISK-29040 - res_speech: Assertion on format
      (Reported by Nickolay V. Shmyrev)
 * ASTERISK-29001 - chan_pjsip does not process or forward 181
      (Reported by Torrey Searle)
 * ASTERISK-27273 - app_voicemail: When a voicemail is marked as
      "Urgent", it is not sent by email/processed by the mailcmd
      (Reported by Leandro Dardini)
 * ASTERISK-29034 - Lastpause of realtime members is reseting
      (Reported by Evandro César Arruda)
 * ASTERISK-29033 - res_pjsip_session: Aggressively terminates
      session on failed re-INVITE
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-28974 - res_rtp_asterisk: T.140 messages have
      appended RTP string to each message block.
      (Reported by
      Thomas Johnson)
 * ASTERISK-29011 - chan_sip: ToHost property not cleared on
      (Reported by Dennis)
      certified versions
      (Reported by cmaj)
 * ASTERISK-28927 - Asterisk crash in music on hold
      (Reported by David Cunningham)
 * ASTERISK-28973 - Malformed IP address in SDP of 2nd SIP timer
      triggered INVITE when NAT is active (UDP transport with
      (Reported by Michael Neuhauser)
 * ASTERISK-28995 - res_pjsip_registrar: Expires on statically
      configured contacts is not correct
      (Reported by tootai)
 * ASTERISK-28987 - BridgeCreated ARI event shows wrong
      video_mode info
      (Reported by sungtae kim)
 * ASTERISK-28978 - acl: named_acl rule misconfiguration results
      in segfault on reading rule from realtime
      (Reported by
      Andrew Yager)

Improvements made in this release:
 * ASTERISK-29637 - Add support for future dates in Say.c
      (Reported by Shloime Rosenblum)
 * ASTERISK-29525 - PJSIP remove_existing unavailable contacts
      (Reported by Joseph Nadiv)
 * ASTERISK-29661 - func_vmcount: Add support for multiple
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29275 - Support of MIME-type for wav16
      (Reported by Boris P. Korzun)
 * ASTERISK-29529 - Add custom logging level
      (Reported by
      N A)
 * ASTERISK-29472 - res_pjsip: OLI/ANI2 support missing
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29626 - app_stack: Include calling location if
      attempting to branch to nonexistent location
      (Reported by
      N A)
 * ASTERISK-29632 - Add option to Application_VoiceMail to
      suppress instructions only when a custom greeting is present
      (Reported by Charlie Smurthwaite)
 * ASTERISK-29605 - chan_iax2: Add ANI2
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29508 - STUN server address refresh
      by Sébastien Duthil)
 * ASTERISK-29612 - bridge_basic: Don't throw warning if
      attended transfer is cancelled
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29544 - Media Cache - Delayed remote sound file
      retrieve delays all playbacks
      (Reported by Andre Barbosa)
 * ASTERISK-29495 - Return integer instead of float if response
      is a whole number
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29541 - app_morsecode: Add American Morse code
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29543 - app_originate: Allow specifying codec(s) to
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29528 - Add support for multiple files for agent
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29527 - res_http_media_cache: Cleanup audio format
      lookup in HTTP requests
      (Reported by Sean Bright)
 * ASTERISK-29501 - ARI - Stasis Playback doesn't hangup call
      when processing a list of invalid files
      (Reported by Andre
 * ASTERISK-29464 - ARI - PlaybackFinish skip error events
      (Reported by Andre Barbosa)
 * ASTERISK-29450 - Allow setting channel variables using
      Originate application
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29460 - Recognize application/hook-flash in PJSIP
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29459 - Missing configuration from PJSIP to SIP
      conversion script
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29434 - Asterisk reveals pjproject version in STUN
      (Reported by Jeremy Lainé)
 * ASTERISK-29380 - Add Flash AMI event to handle flash events
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29349 - Silent voicemail option is not completely
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29339 - loader: Let's output warnings for deprecated
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29337 - menuselect: Add ability to set deprecated in
      and removed in versions for modules
      (Reported by Joshua C.
 * ASTERISK-29335 - xml: Embed module information into core XML
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29336 - documentation: Fix inconsistent support
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29321 - sorcery: Add support for more intelligent
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29325 - res_pjsip_registrar: Include source IP
      address and port in log messages
      (Reported by Joshua C.
 * ASTERISK-29326 - asterisk: Update copyright/company
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29244 - Add MixMonitorStart / Stop / Mute AMI
      (Reported by Sébastien Duthil)
 * ASTERISK-29252 - TRANSFERSTATUSPROTOCOL variable to report
      Transfer (REFER) failure SIP code
      (Reported by Dan Cropp)
 * ASTERISK-29262 - Support of various URL-schemes by MoH
      (Reported by Boris P. Korzun)
 * ASTERISK-28549 - Two repeated 183
      (Reported by Gant
 * ASTERISK-29216 - contrib: systemd asterisk service for
      centos8 or other newer linux versions
      (Reported by Mark
 * ASTERISK-29143 - res_http_media_cache: HTTP media cache
      stored hardcoded in /tmp
      (Reported by laszlovl)
 * ASTERISK-29118 - VoiceMail() should have an option to play
      greetings as Early Media
      (Reported by Juan Carlos Castro y
 * ASTERISK-29054 - Logger: Add debug logging categories
      (Reported by Kevin Harwell)
 * ASTERISK-29083 - Do not build chan_sip by default as it is
      now deprecated
      (Reported by Sean Bright)
 * ASTERISK-29056 - Increase reg_server column size for
      ps_contacts table realtime
      (Reported by sungtae kim)
 * ASTERISK-29055 - Create a Bridge with video_single mode
      (Reported by sungtae kim)

For a full list of changes in this release candidate, please see the ChangeLog:

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