But the mask of the file is set to 0700.  I don't think the sgid bit will 
make a difference if the file isn't written 0770.  It's still on 
readable/writable/executable by the owner.


On 31 Jul 2003, Armand A. Verstappen wrote:

> On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 22:33, Patrick wrote:
> > Did it work after you left a new voice mail message?
> > 
> > I was looking into the source code to fix it so that the euid was set to 
> > nobody, create the file and then change it back to uid 0, but that didn't 
> > work.  Or, maybe change the file mode was 770 with the group set so that 
> > the webserver could modify the file so I wouldn't have to run a suid .cgi 
> > script.
> If you create the _directories_ the files are going to be created in
> with group apache (or whatever group your webserver runs under), with
> the sgid bit set, doesn't that cause the file to be created with proper
> permission for the cgi? 

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