Tais M. Hansen wrote:

I know it is possible to record calls, it will record them to a
directory you define on the server. But are you required to provide
archives/recordings of the calls or permit real-time tapping?

You should ask some kind of justice department.

We did here in Denmark and were told that there currently wasn't officially defined a set of rules about phonetapping but that we should be able to do so if legally requested by law enforcement. These rules will be clearly defined eventually when the government figures out their version of the anti-terror-package.

We're required by ICSTIS to record any live entertainment services that run over our gear. Unfortunately they've not been very helpful regarding requirements - there's merely a single-page document that mentions things like "timestamping recordings every 1/2 second to ensure they haven't been tampered with". That doesn't make much sense to me, even in an analogue world, let alone a digital one. FWIW, they require real-time monitoring capability (max 3 second delay) and archives for I think six months (the document doesn't actually specify, would you believe).

If anyone has any more information about this, or could point me towards any, I'd be most grateful - ICSTIS' "consultant" doesn't seem to reply very promptly (if at all) to his e-mails.

Regarding the real-time monitoring, it'd be great if we could develop an extension to zapbarge/scan that let you tap in the callerid of the person you're wanting to monitor. It's a little hard to find things in a 120 channel bank sometimes...

Alastair Maw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MX Telecom - Systems Analyst

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