Cool.  I know for a fact my lab setup has it commented out, so
with a small tweak I'll be doing real testing.

IANAL, but SmartNET likely won't cover the skinny license.  Even
with Call Manager you have to buy a license for every phone you
deploy.  The license varies from model to model, but typically costs
as much as the cheaper SIP phones that are now available.

Lastly, what would be the best way to provide feedback on the channel?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy McNamara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 7:49 PM
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Skinny

At the present time you have to have a VALID ip address in bindaddr for 
Skinny to work.  If bindaddr is either or simply commented out 
all packets requiring the IP address contain  I forgot their 
nick, but someone in IRC recommended we make Asterisk be smart enough 
not to pick that interface, but I'm not sure of that is the problem or 
not.  I simply have not had the time to investigate it whatsoever.

Also, I have been advised against providing specific material resources 
to make Skinny work with Asterisk, especially the binary firmware 
images. So, your on your own for the firmware.   I recommend a CCM v3.1 
or higher as Cisco was nice enough to give us an XML based config file.  
Someone needs to do some research to see if having a SmartNet on the 
phone would be sufficient enough to be able to LEGALLY use the Skinny 

And, yes I do have my 7910 working with Asterisk. Which, btw, was 
graciously donated by a generous Asterisk user (he knows who he is), 
....Granted only with ulaw and none of the soft buttons actually do 
anything, but I can and do make calls with it all day long. Hopefully in 
the next week or two I can find some time to spend on fixing all of the 
various annoying issues with chan_skinny or please feel free to 
contribute disclaimed patches.

Jeremy McNamara

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