
I am not just picking on you Angus.  I do tend to read almost every
message coming through the list and I get tired of reading all the questions 
that 5 minutes of reading the configuration files or searching the wiki (as out 
of date as it is) or even typing 'help' at the CLI prompt can remedy.

Guess I'm just getting old...
Guess we all are, but that is better than the other choice.
Many of us read all the posts, and some of us really get tired of a small number who continue to complain and write paragraphs on those who aren't able to either find the information they need or understand it when they do. There is a large disparity between the beginner and those who have lived with this camel ( Asterisk ) for months to years. Help from the CLI leaves a LOT to be desired. The Wiki is either correct, outdated, or wrong depending on which of the 1000 flavors of Asterisk one happens to have settled on, usually because it mostly works
I could go on, but you get the idea.
If you can help, do so, as someone else did for this fellow in just a few characters If all you can do is berate someone else for not reading and UNDERSTANDING, or assume they didn't find the answer in the bushels of poorly organized sometimes correct information, then just move on to the next post.

John Novack ( old fart )
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