I'm using app_festival to speak some text to callers.  I'm having two
problems with this.  The first is with IAX calls (I've not tried others)
the first few seconds of the speech is garbled.  The second problem I'm
having is the the volume of the speech IS VERY LOUD.  I tried putting
the following in the siteinit.scm but it didn't seem to make any

(set! default_after_synth_hooks
        (lambda (utt)
          (utt.wave.rescale utt .5 t))))

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Sample configs and more: http://www.fnords.org/~eric/asterisk/

BTEL Consulting
+1-850-484-4535 x2111 (Pensacola)
+1-504-595-3916 x2111 (New Orleans)
+1-877-677-9643 x2111 (Toll Free)
This message has been 'sanitized'.  This means that potentially
dangerous content has been rewritten or removed.  The following
log describes which actions were taken.

Sanitizer (start="1064261367"):
  ParseHeader ():
    Using Eric Wieling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as reply-to address.
    Using <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as errors address.
    Got MIME info: _disposition="inline", _encoding="7bit", _type="text/plain", boundary="", charset="iso-8859-1"

  Finished parsing message header.
  Forcing message to be multipart/mixed, to facilitate logging.
  Parsing body as text/plain
  Writer (pos="726"):
    Set MIME info to: _encoding="8bit", _type="multipart/mixed", boundary="MIMEStream=_0+167520_3733915496221_57676455469"
    Part (pos="800"):
      ParseHeader ():
        Got MIME info: _disposition="inline", _encoding="7bit", _type="text/plain", boundary="", charset="iso-8859-1"

      Parsing body as text/*
      Added 1 bytes of scratch space.
      Writer (pos="648"):
        Set MIME info to: _disposition="inline", _encoding="7bit", _type="text/plain", boundary="", charset="iso-8859-1"

    Total modifications so far: 1
    Added 1 bytes of scratch space.

Anomy 0.0.0 : Sanitizer.pm
$Id: Sanitizer.pm,v 1.79 2003/06/19 19:22:00 bre Exp $

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