On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 21:39, Michael A. Miller wrote:
> Is there a recommended OS that Asterisk should be used with? I have
> been trying to get Asterisk running on Red Hat 9.0 with little
> success.

You hit 2 of my pet peeves at once. Fist, please understand that HTML
has no business in normal email communication. Turn it off or you will
start getting ignored(hopefully for you).

Linux is a OS. Asterisk runs on Linux with only limited success on some
*bsd system. If you search the archives you will find someone who has
had some problem or another with just about every distribution. RH has a
higher number of support problems, but I'll grant that more newbies pick
RH and that contributes to it's problem count. There are quite a few
people here that us RH9 though. So if you wish to post some of your
problems we can them help you get over some of these bumps in the road. 
Steven Critchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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