
My advice is to go for it. Allison is nice but there are times when her
accent doesn't pass the International test ( e.g. everyone I've ever spoken
to in the UK roll about on the floor laughing when they first hear her in
the Voicemail prompt, telling you to leave a message ).

Others will probably disagree with me (in fact there was a discussion on
this very recently), but if you do go for it, I would personally like to see
the recordings in .wav format (8k, mono, PCM, 16 bit) - Wavelab allows this
to be done very easily. I save all my final prompts in this format because
they provide great sound quality compared to GSM, and also allow for high
quality sonic idents (something I'll be posting about soon. Watch this

If people prefer them in different formats, they can then use the wavs as
the basis and re-encode them (e.g. gsm). But like I said, that's just my
opinion. I'm not saying this is what everybody wants, or what you should
definitely do.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory Wiktor - ADCom Corp. 

> There is a good chance I will do it, but want some feedback. 

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