At 06:56 PM 10/14/2003, you wrote:

Two comments:

1) "just a $10 winmodem?"  is this literally true?  then what
   $10 card is known to work?  Have you tried one?  Yes it is pretty
   clear that a Winmodem card could work for this application

yes its literally true. The cards are out of production now afaik, but were based on a motorola dsp. (And yes they were available for under $10USD, and tested and worked fine)

2) I've always though a real DSP based modem card could be
   re-programmed to a much more interesting use.  Those on-board
   TI DSP chips are quite powerfull computers.  Easly enough to
   compute any audio codec or even the front end for speech
   understanding.  they are flash reprogramable too.

The lindsl opensource project is attempting to do this, and reprogram a winmodem to do much higher "DSL like" speeds in a point to point twisted pair network than a conventional modem would do.

Last I knew interest by the author had fell off though.

> I don't think an X100P card will help. Anything you gain from the
> ztdummy driver will be the same as what you can gain from an X100P,
> the card is just a $10 winmodem.

===== Chris Albertson Home: 310-376-1029 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cell: 310-990-7550 Office: 310-336-5189 [EMAIL PROTECTED] KG6OMK

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