This is slightly OT in that it isn’t specifically *-related, but I was wondering what the members of the * user community felt about these two subjects.  I’ve been perusing the mail list and the current hot topic is the fact that their project has come to a grinding halt.  They are concerned that they don’t have enough people working on their project.  They feel that * has improved since the fork but they still have the same complaints: the Asterisk core is a “pig,” the core is huge and messy with ugly code, and finally that Asterisk development is throttled by the “Digistapo.”


Some there have suggested that Freeswitch is going to be the wave of the future.  They hyped it up pretty well.  However, after visiting the Freeswitch site and signing up to get the source and docs, I’m not all that impressed.  It’s a great idea but it is months away from being a truly useful product.


My questions to the Asterisk user community: are you at all concerned about the complaints made by the “forkers?”  Or are they the ones who are all forked up? ;)  What about Freeswitch?  Do you see that as a threat to Asterisk or simply as yet another competing product?  (After all, there are other open source PBX projects available.)


I would really like to hear your comments, concerns and viewpoints.



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