Doug Lytle wrote:
Doug Lytle wrote:

I put a Tellabs 64ms echo canceller into my facility this weekend and am praying that it removes are echo problem. If it does, I plan on making it a standard on my Asterisk installs that have a channel bank or T1.

Well, the day is almost over here and not one echo reported today. Very impressive! I had 5 more cards delivered today.

Just as a follow up to this. I purchased 5 Tellabs 64ms cards on ebaY. The very 1st card that I put into production worked quite nicely (Little residual echo, but very much an improvement). I was on site this weekend and figured I would test out the remaining cards, one at a time to confirm they were in working condition. This upcoming Monday, I had many complaints of echo. Went back Tuesday morning and went over the settings of the previous card compared to this replacement. I turns out that only 1 of the 5 cards had option 38 available (Send Side Echo Cencellation).

So, if you are in the market for one of these cards because of local echo, you'll want to confirm with the vendor of 'Send side Echo Cancellation', or at least ask him to check for option 38 after powering up. Out of the 5 purchased, only 1 had it.


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"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, 
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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