(The list may get this msg twice; I originally sent it from the wrong email address, my apologies.  Moderator, if you can, please delete my original email submission from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks.)



Can anyone recommend a place to start to learn how to create an Asterisk system given a basic Digium PCI card and some generic PC hardware?


I plan to help a friend not familiar with Linux platforms load and evaluate a Digium/Asterisk system for business-development purposes.  A couple years ago I used to work as a Unix/Linux sw developer and sysadmin, but have been doing sales/marketing stuff since.

Where should I start to read about loading a system?  My friend apparently has a $100-flavor of Digium for eval purposes (can hook up to one external phone line, or so I'm told), but knows little else.  Since I've been the unix/linux geek in a past life, he came to me for assistance.

I downloaded the .pdf handbook, and their appeared to be a reference to a "downloading and installing" section, but I couldn't find any text/body that actual described this process.

Do I pick any linux flavor (presumably with compatible kernel) like RedHat/Debian/SuSE and load up the source/pkgs/rpms necessary and let 'er rip?  Will I get a phone switch/PBX (or whatever this is) going fairly easily, assuming I get my linux box/platform fired up ok?  Any gotchyas, tricks of the trade, things to know/worry about, etc?  Is this all contained in the .pdf handbook?  When I skimmed it, I didn't find anything that seemed to match up with a "installing for a rookie's" perspective like mine, but maybe I overlooked something.

I have yet to get my hands on the Digium hardware/docs/etc that my buddy ordered; maybe some answers/secrets/support-resources are in there?

I'm on vacation right now and am a little short on info, but before delving into this when I get back (probably starting around 11/5) I thought I would send out this note to the user list so that I might potentially save some time in research/pain before I start. 

Thanks for any help!
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