> Cepestral was installed and working within 10 mins of my decision to
> purchase it.  It's $30.00 and can be purchased on their web site and
> they give you a download.  They have a demp on their website that will
> do text-to-speech and give you a .wav file to download and listen to.
> Download, unpack it, run their install.sh, answer a couple of questions,
> read the man page and you're done.
> With Festival I had to figure out exactly which tarballs to download
> (there was a total of 18 tarballs to download if you count all the
> Festival voices plus the MBROLA voices), then I had to figure out how to
> install Festival, then MBROLA, I never have figured out how to actually
> INSTALL festival, I just run it out of the source directory.  It's very
> picky about paths and such.
> I'm not a big fan of commercial software.  For TTS most of the software
> either is Windows only or costs several thousand dollars (and sometimes
> both).  If it's a choice between spending two thousand for something
> like Rhetorical TTS or using Festival, I'll pick Festival.  If it's a
> choice between spending thirty dollars for a TTS system or using
> Festival, I'll happily spend the $30.

Thats a very easy ROI since one hour of a technical resource to setup
Festival is easily double the 30 USD.   Maybe the Cepestral folks have
figured out that making a little money from alot of people will be much
better than alot from only a few.  I'll buy Cepestral and skip the pizza
on Friday night.  Net result will be about break even!!!!
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