On 9 Oct 2006, at 17:36, Benko wrote:


I'm having a problem which actually looks banal. I'm trying to
connect 3 servers via iax with each other. However, i've not been
successfull so far. Asterisk always tries to authenticate the calling
user with the credentials of the last entry in iax.conf, not the ones
that would actually belong to the calling user.

e.g. Server1 has peer/user entries for Server2 and Server3(in this
order), Server2 now tries to call Server1, but is asked for the
credentials of Server3(Because Server3 is the last entry in iax.conf),
which doesn't work of course.

The IAX debug for this example is attached(iax_server2.txt).

Please also take a look at the attached iax.conf-files for each server,
maybe i've missed some setting...

Currently i workaround this issue by using the same secret for all
servers, this is not very practicable however...

The asterisk versions in use are on server3 and server2 and
1.4.0-beta2 on server1.

This guy seems to have had the same problem, unfortunately he received
no answer:
http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/2003-August/ 011960.html


It is a bit hard to tell what is going on because you have blanked the
IP addresses in the config files to all the same value.
If you specify an IP address in the host= line , asterisk will use
the from IP address of a 'new' to try and find a matching entry, and
ignore the username sent in the message.

At a guess you have the IP addresses of servers 1 or 3 wrong in iax.conf on server2


Tim Panton


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