From our experience, chan_jabber doesnt work behind nat. We tried to patch it (in a similar way as nat=yes in chan_sip) but quickly bumped into other problems.
(problems explained on mantis).


Gustavo Hernandez Baratta wrote:

I´m trying with 1.4b2, chan_jabber and chan_gtalk. Jabber client register fine on, and when I start a call from gtalk to asterisk, I can see the incoming call and I see that asterisk play prompts (ie: demo and thank-you), but i can´t hear audio. If I redirect incoming call to a sip client, at sip I can hear but I can't in google talk.

Asterisk is at public no firewalled network. Google Talk are behind a nat.

Could anybody help me?

Thanks in advance,

Gustavo Hernandez

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