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I need someone to explain how the dialplan rules work? I'm having a hard time getting it. I know that to dial out you need a 9 and to ignore that 9 once your out... requires a switch of sorts that tells asterisk to ignore the first digit on the left.

In freePBX it's this:

For Long distance it is

Here is my problem using Free PBX:

I want to be able to dial long distance and local at will while using free PBX to set it up. Right now we have 1 line for testing purposes and soon to be expanded into 2.

When the rules are arranged like this in FreePBX

the long distance portion works but the local one does not.

When its arranged like this


They both work!

But the above is only done when it's hard coded into the configuration file (additional_extensions.conf) and free PBX always puts it in this order... wether I like it or not.


And causes problems in the configuration file when and I change the settings. This isn't going to help me much!

Im just a tad bit confused.

A Little help here?

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