On 1/11/07, Mike D'Ambrogia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Kind of new to asterisk, and really new to AGI but it looks like you were
trying to have the AGI script tell asterisk to read and lay the results into
my_var and then regain control in the AGI script, is that correct?

If so I don't think that will work since the dialplan variables are only
exposed/visible when you start the AGI script, since you are still within
the AGI script you'll probably never see my_var if called this way



that's my first agi. Easy to see, ahm?
What I'm thinking to do is, play a sound, get the numbers dialed, see on a
db what to do using the dialed numbers, get back to dialplan (go to a queue
or something else).
The way started to work is that you said, send dialed as parameter to agi
and get it with $argv[1]. And I was trying to get it from stdin.
Things I do not understand well and the documentations I've read are not so
clear are the way agi work with some things like:
- How can I fix this agi to work?

AGI Rx << exec read my_var|sound-file|5|||15
   -- AGI Script Executing Application: (read) Options:
   -- Accepting a maximum of 5 digits.
   -- Playing 'sound-file' (language 'en')
   -- User entered '85214'
AGI Tx >> 200 result=0
AGI Rx << get variable my_var
AGI Tx >> 200 result=1 (85214)
AGI Rx << exec saydigits Resource id #1   // (this is the result of my_var)

All the variables here was my_var, it worked for GET VARIABLE but didn't for
SAYDIGITS and odbc connection. How can I SAYDIGITS of my_var or insert
my_var value into a db?

- What I need more to use WAIT FOR DIGIT? Because it didn't stop to wait for
- STDIN shoudn't get the result of READ or GET VARIABLE? Where these values

Ralph Liebessohn
ICQ: 74835911
Skype: liebessohn
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