What bug # should I look for you patch under? <smile>

Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:

You can not rotate logs with out dropping calls, and if logs get a
little over 2Gbs Asterisk will crashes...

Why not? Why are the logfiles kept open for the entire life of Asterisk? Hell even my heavily loaded qmail server isn't this braindead in that regard.

If * can be patched to open, write, close for every log write it is trivial to rotate logs:

mv /path/to/logfile /path/to/logfile.old
while fuser -s /path/to/logfile.old ; do sleep 1 ; done
bzip2 -1 /path/to/logfile.old

and you're done. mv does not change the inode, so asterisk does not notice it if it _is_ in the middle of a write, and the fuser do/while loop waits patiently until asterisk is done with the file. Next time Asterisk tries to open the file it will fail (since it doesn't exist) and will recreate it. Piece of cake.

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