Jonathan Hunter wrote:
The machine is quite old, so it is possible I need to upgrade/add
something - but what?

# uname -a
Linux myserver 2.4.25 #5 Wed Jan 26 18:20:35 GMT 2005 i686 unknown
# cat /etc/slackware-version
Slackware 7! Upgrade to something from this century! Seriously, 7.0 is so old that you should not be using it. It's not supported with security updates and uses older versions of glibc (which may be part of your problem).
If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it!
Slackware 11.0 was recently released. Move to that. There isn't anything special that would make it run less fast than 7.0 does on your hardware. You'll also have the option of installing a 2.6x kernel which will bring you to the 21 century.

I used slackware back to version 3.0.  It's a very clean distro.

If this is a dedicated Asterisk box, consider looking at Astlinux. We will be releasing 0.4.5 in the next week or so with some major upgrades/improvements. For now, you can grab the release candidate images from here:


Darrick Hartman
DJH Solutions, LLC

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