Michael Kamleitner wrote:

> I've built a simple PHP-script utilizing the AGI-interface. in
> extensions.conf I trigger the script and pass a single value as first
> argument:
> exten => h,1,DeadAGI(process.php|${Enter})
> On the Asterisk-console, I can actually see that the script is called
> correctly (something like "DeadAGI(process.php|1234)"). However, when I read
> stdin in the PHP script, I receive all AGI-environment variables
> (agi_request, agi_callerid etc.) correctly, but I'm missing the actual
> passed value (which should be in agi_arg_1 etc.). the last thing I get from
> stdin is the environment-variable agi_accountcode, after this it seems to
> stop.

You don't append the argument to STDIN (which is fine).
In the PHP script check the $argv array. The first argument
(after the name of the script itself) should be in $argv[1] .

  Philipp Kempgen

amooma GmbH - Bachstr. 126 - 56566 Neuwied - http://www.amooma.de
    Let's use IT to solve problems and not to create new ones.
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              My pick of the month: rfc 2822 3.6.5

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