I'm confused about something....

In Asterisk 1.4 you can collect RTP QoS metrics at the end of a call with:


Now, when your using the AMI to do a callout, like this...

ACTION: Originate
Async: yes
Timeout: 60000
Exten: callback
Channel: SIP/1000
Variable: callid=849120
Variable: destination=SIP/1001
Variable: timeout=70000
Variable: timeout_warning=60000
Variable: timeout_warning_repeat=30000
Callerid: 5551212
Context: default
ActionID: 849120
Priority: 1

and you have in your dialplan...

; Callback
exten => callback,1,Wait(1)
exten => callback,2,Playback(please-wait)
exten => 
exten => callback,4,Noop(*** [${CHANNEL(rtpqos,audio,all)}]);
exten => callback,5,Playtones(congestion)
exten => callback,6,Wait(5)
exten => callback,7,Hangup
exten => callback,104,Playtones(busy)
exten => callback,105,Wait(5)
exten => callback,106,Hangup

Just which leg exactly are the metrics for? Are they for the A-leg or the 
B-leg? How can I get the metrics for BOTH legs of the call?...


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