I have a 4 port card in a regular system and I get that prob sometimes when I copy 
large files to that server....  IRQ problem?  if I stop the copy the sound prob goes 
away.  not a big help but at least you know that your not alone...


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/15/2003 10:17:35 AM >>>
On Mon, 2003-12-15 at 10:41, Thomas Haeger wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have installed one TDM20B on an ITX board in a small "cube" chassis.
> When the harddisk is working (when installing something or make a query on a
> database) i can hear nasty noises (like hdd-head is moving) on the connected
> phone.
> Have someone experiences with this manner ?

Sounds like underpowered power supply. Small machines are not known for
having quality hard working power supplies, and With the need for some
extra power on the TDM cards it is possible your power supply is not up
to the task. Couple that with the problem of finding another power
supply that will fit in that machine, you may have to use a full size
Steven Critchfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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