I didn't repeat this question.  I read the responses and amended my
request.  I was simply asking for any suggestions as how to diagnose
this problem including the ways to provide additional information to
this list to help solve the problem.  After reinstalling Linux and
Asterisk from scratch with no improvement, a helpful member of this list
suggested it was the way I was starting asterisk from the command line.
Started asterisk from a script and the problem is resolved.  I provide
this update to the group with the hopes that it helps anybody with a
similar issue. Not every one is an expert and I am thankful for the

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Critchfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Crash

On Thu, 2003-12-18 at 07:25, Kevin wrote:
> Asterisk Crash
> I have an application that using the System() command.  When ever I
> invoke the command my asterisk crashes.
> I have updated to the latest CVS and it crashes.  Can someone offer
> suggestions on how to diagnose and correct this problem?
> Thanks
> Kevin
> Extensions.conf
> exten => 2810,1,System(date)
> exten => 2810,2,Goodbye

repeating your question with no additional information will likely have
it ignored. 

Steven Critchfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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