merry xmas olle and you all in the list happy holidays!!!

On Tue, 2003-12-23 at 23:04, Olle E. Johansson wrote:
> It's the day before Christmas here in Sweden, actually the night before at this 
> time...
> We celebrate Xmas on the 24th, so I'm about to log off and switch my Asterisk into
> "merry-christmas-mode" with the yet undocumented CLI command "frosty-mode on", a mode
> where the PBX will connect all incoming extensions to the "ho-ho-ho" sound file and 
> then randomly
> pick a number in the +1234 country code (for the North Pole), dial out and bridge. 
> And these
> magical SIP connections will work over ANY type of NAT.
> (Due to the SIP header "Santa-magic-cookie: on")
> And yes, the frosty mode is even un-documented on the wiki. 
> :-)
> It's been fun spending the fall with the Asterisk project. I look forward to next 
> year,
> with the new handbook coming in place, with many new applications
> and features and - hopefully - many new Asterisk installs at customer sites.
> It's snowing outside, the trees are already covered with snow and the stars are 
> glittering on
> a dark sky. My kids are sleeping, dreaming of their christmas gifts tomorrow. It's 
> going
> to be a traditional Swedish christmas...
> Have a wonderful Christmas, all of you!
> Warm regards,
> /Olle
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