On Sep 25, 2008, at 9:00 PM, Darrick Hartman wrote:

Dean Collins wrote:
I'd also like to know what happens when someone 'chats' to the account
connected to the Asterisk server.

Lots of questions about this one. There's definitely a demand for it so I can see why Digium would be interested in exploring this option. Time
will tell how well it will work.  I'm personally not too excited about
bolt-on binaries which are probably not compatible with uClibc (and
therefore Astlinux).  That leaves us in the same place as we are with
codec_g729.  We're at the mercy of whoever creates these binaries to
produce one that will work for us.


According to them today, if the user initiates calls with someone outside the pbx, it will not go through the pbx. The user can register both to skyp and the asterisk also register the user. So, if the user initiates contact to another it is peer to peer outside the pbx.

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