Mike wrote:
> Doug,
> Thanks for the quick answer.  How does that help me though, since this is a
> per channel variable and not a global variable?

Make sure your key in the database is specific to only that call. Time, 
date, caller-id number or even a combination of all.

Can't you save your channel variable within the db and purge it when 
you're done with it?  Save your MACRO_RESULTS as the value and the key 
being your channel?

Since I don't know what your macro is actually doing, I'm just throwing 
things out there.  If you need a persistant variable, save it to your 
database with enough info to identify what you're looking for.  Once 
done, purge the database of that entry.


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"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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