On 7 Nov 2008, at 09:57, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 09:29:20AM +0000, Tim Panton wrote:
>>>> Your monitoring app is not sending valid IAX2 packets to the
>>>> server. If
>>>> it was sending a true IAX2 POKE, it would be a valid packet and
>>>> wouldn't
>>>> generate this warning.
>>> Could asterisk at least _not_ report this harmless, below-warning
>>> event
>>> when using a zero-verbose (asterisk -r) level? That would be nice  
>>> and
>>> logical.
>> I'd take this warning seriously. It means that your monitoring app  
>> isn't
>> monitoring what you think it is.
> Granted, the monitoring app is simple minded: it only checks if a port
> is open. In that respect is does a hell of a good job: I hear a  
> beeping
> alarm as soon as an asterisk instance goes south.

Yep, but it won't tell you that the single IAX thread is blocked in a
database access, so asterisk is ignoring your packets, it just hasn't  
the port.

> So what you are saying is that all monitoring apps should speak native
> iax, else they are bad? Simply checking if a port is open means it's
> "misconfigured" or badly written? I wouldn't go so far. Small generic
> port-monitoring apps should be allowed to check on asterisk without
> raising such spurious warnings. You know what happens when crying wolf
> to often, no one listens after a while. A "midget packet" is not
> corrupted, I do have a stateful firewall (fiaif) to intercept those.

Kinda, certainly I'd be inclined to write a little plug-in that sends a
valid POKE packet. Tell me what your monitor supports and
I'll help you craft a valid packet.

> <rant>
> AFAIK the onus is on asterisk to adapat: I've suffered too long of the
> infamous iax2 port-clogging bug that would and render a server
> 'unreachable' for no good reason. So much so that I went off iax2
> entirely and use SIP exclusively for inter-asterisk communication. So
> much for the muched touted "new and advanced" pbx communication  
> protocol
> the iax2 was sold for! This deal-breaker bug went unfixed for years
> until recently, despite numerous asterisk users reporting iax2  
> anomalies
> month after month. A I bitter? yes. Do I trust Digium folks to know
> their stuff about what is "correct" or not in networking protocols?  
> I'll
> let you guess the answer.
> </rant>

Yeah, that one took _way_ too long to fix, I think the problem
was that IAX was undocumented so not many people could fix it,
that and the fact that it required a major re-code to get chan_iax2

Ed Guy et al have done loads of work on the RFC, to the point
where it is actually possible to implement IAX without looking at
the asterisk code :-) so the situation is better now.

>> I always want to know when I get malformed protocol packets in. It is
>> always bad news, mostly either a misconfiguration (your case), an
>> attack,
>> (ie my firewall is not protecting this service) or a sign of a switch
>> port going bad.
>> Fix the cause not the symptom.

'fraid I stand by that bit....


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