On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 10:53, Scott Stingel wrote:
> Anyone know how many people now subscribe to the asterisk-users mail list?
> Yes, the number of new posts is getting overwhelming!  This morning at 8am
> California time I had something like 75 new posts, and just cleaned it out
> the evening before!  I will have to start getting up earlier I guess...

My addiction to email has caused me now to start waking up in the middle
of the night to try and clear my backlog up. I think this AM at 4 I had
60 messages from asterisk. Then I went to sleep and woke up to another
20 or 30. 

This list sure cuts into my ability to keep up with some of my other
lists. Some of them I have finally just unsubbed from to quite wasting

But to give you an idea of my email load, I have received ~22k messages
in 2 months and not even 2 full days. Also I only receive about 10 spams
a week average right now. 
Steven Critchfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Asterisk-Users mailing list

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