Dear All,

I have had a problem that I have posted before, the asterisk kept crashing
on me. I have thought that may be before the problem is resolved, I could
try to implement a cronjob to run /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk, and if Asterisk
is not running at that time, it will start it automatically.

I have read through documents and I have tried a few things. I have tried
adding a file called start_asterisk under /etc/cron.d directory and have put
15 * * * * /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk, I have even tried using
/var/spool/cron/root and inputted the same command line. I even tried
actually putting this command line in the crontab file under /etc/ but I
just could not get the Asterisk to start automatically. Finally, the crond
seemed to be doing something, but when I received mail from crond, it was
telling me a message saying " Asterisk exited on code 127, Asterisk died on
code 127 ". So, I changed the command line to 15 * * * * root
/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk. Now as per the mail, it is telling me that
"Asterisk exited on code 1, Asterisk died on code 1".

Ladies and Gentlemen, can anyone please help and let me know what is the way
to start Asterisk automatically using a cronjob, thanks


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