> I am fairly certain he was simply reporting the results (for posterity) of
> the event having already happened.  Good to know (I guess?) that such
> small hardware can acheive the performance that was squeezed out of it.
> Impressive.
> All THAT said, I am unconvinced that there was no sales effort involved in
> sending out millions of unsolicited calls.  Claim if you like that this
> was some public information event (which you fail to expand much upon) and
> convict me of mistrust, but who would have paid for such a thing.  TV ads,
> radio spots, billboards, etc., are much more effective for public
> information.  Unsolicited calls on that order mean only one thing to me -
> SPAM.  So what wonderful product were you "informing" the public about
> with regard to the looming threat of illness?

Jeff, indeed i was posting for posterity. Maybe someone will benefit in an
outbound-only scenario that he/she will not need a supercomputer to pump a
20sec audio clip.
Again, this was a public service. And indeed TV and radio was used. Unless
you live in a bubble, you may have heard about AH1N1 virus. Which
unfortunately hit us (Panama, Republic of Panama, Central America....) very
hard. I foud very repetitive to tell in my posts that i am from panama,
central america, blah,blah blah.

Anyways, a quick google search of this forum will also revealed that i am
kind of a regular poster and even my cellphone is listed here (Jon Pounder,
my cellphone is +507 6675 5083 in case YOU want to sell me a car loan, i
dont mind getting a call. Im a IT consultant and i have a chargeback line.
Please call me as many times as you want...please do so between 10pm and 6am
where my chargeback is the most expensive).

Guys, Grow up!

Next time someone needs to learn mouth-to-mouth and CPR lessons, please DONT
teach him. Because, following your inmature way of thinking, the person who
wants to learn CPR may as well be looking for information to learn how to
suffocate people.
Next time your son wants to know how gasoline works or how is being
produced. Please keep your familiy in ignorance. You may be training the
next crazy person who will burn things all around the world.

But, you wont do that, do you?

Again, I always tell my familiy that keeping others in ignorance is bad. but
sometimes it must be done for the sake of a greater good, and my comment is
always followed with good and sound examples (atomic technology, viruses,

But I forgot that Asterisk, the phone lines and a calling system is the way
the world is going to be dominated by the martians. So the secret about
phone system calculations must be keept in Area 51.

Now I understand Kevin Mitnick.

Cheers to all. Bye.

>  ------------------------------------------------------------
> Erick Perez
> Cel +(507) 6675-5083
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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