Thanks Steve.

The channels which got stuck up are the SIP channels.

If I use "rtptimeout" then if there is some silence at both the ends the
call may get disconnected after that period of time also if I use
"Absolutetimeout" then there are chances that some calls may be upto 30min
to 40min, if our timeout is 1200, call will be disconnected after 20 min, so
what would be the better option for this cause of SIP channels stuck up....


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:32 AM, Steve Howes <> wrote:

> On 13 Aug 2009, at 07:51, das sandesh wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I had a problem yesterday, that our asterisk server showed 2
> > channels were in use continuously, but nobody were using any of them
> > at that time. I had to kill them using "softhangup" and I checked
> > all the logs but could not find why exactly this problem occurred,
> > as the system was running fine for many months till yesterday...Once
> > I killed the channels it is fine now, but I wanted to know where can
> > I find what might have caused this problem? We use Polycom 320
> > phones and asterisk version
> Analogue? ISDN? SIP?
> If its SIP its probably a lost packet. Sticking on max call length and
> silence detection might help.
> Steve
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