On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, mattf waxed:


> There is a group of Asterisk users that decided to modify the code of
> Asterisk to try to make it a predictive dialer, called shady_dial I believe,
> but I haven't heard anything about it lately.


Lots of recent updates made in CVS, and it works with the
latest and greatest * CVS, too.  No screen pops yet, but
that is the next step.  Call results are simply logged in
the phone, which is pretty sloppy since it resides in the
agent hangup function.

Francois Lambert posted some time ago on -dev that his
company had worked on a predictive dialer with answering
machine detection.  Said they hacked * code a little, too,
and since it's GPL I would be interested in seeing it.



Chris Maj <cmaj_hat_freedomcorpse_hot_info>
Pronunciation Guide:  Maj == May
Fingerprint: 43D6 799C F6CF F920 6623  DC85 C8A3 CFFE F0DE C146

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