I have an Asterisk system setup for our small business, and its working 
well.  I posted to the list about a week or so ago, regarding having it 
handle direct extension dialing, and unfortunately I'm not any closer to 
solving this issue, so I was hoping someone might have a working example 
of how to set this up they could point me towards.

Basically I have everything EXCEPT direct extension dialing working. 
What I mean by this is that a caller gets an ACD menu when they come 
into the phone system, (1 for sales, 2 for support, 3 for customer 
service, and 8 for directory of employees).

I have setup extensions with 4 digit numbers, all beginning with 6 (ie. 
6001, 6002, etc.).  I was hoping that I could capture the first digit 
entered as a 6 which doesn't correspond with a menu option, and then get 
the next 3 digits and dial the appropriate extension.  Unfortunately 
that's not working because the system isn't quick enough to process and 
deal with additional digit entry without dropping a digit or two.

I was told to use wildcard maskings like this _XXXX for the extension, 
which I attempted over the weekend.  Unfortunately the second I hit a 
digit that wasn't in the menu options, it dropped the call.

What I have that is working at the moment is this:

; Calls during business hours
exten => s,1,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=1)
exten => s,n,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,Background(01-welcome_mod)
exten => s,n,WaitExten(3)
exten => s,n,Goto(ts_operator,s,1)

; User pressed 1 - sales
exten => 1,1,Wait(1)
exten => 1,n,Goto(ts_sales,s,1)


What I need to know is what to change this to (exactly) so that it will 
allow up to 4 digits to be entered, but on the first one being entered, 
it is validated against the phone menu options.

Does anyone have any example dialplans that show how to do an ACD menu, 
with direct extension dialing supported as well they could point me towards?

Myles Wakeham
Director of Engineering
Tech Solutions USA, Inc.
Scottsdale, Arizona  USA
Phone +1-480-451-7440

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