What are the meaning of these Zap show channel output?

Caller ID string:
Owner: <None>
Real: <None>
Callwait: <None>
Threeway: <None>
Confno: -1
Propagated Conference: -1
Real in conference: 0
DSP: no
Relax DTMF: no
Dialing/CallwaitCAS: 0/0
Default law: ulaw
Fax handled: no
Pulse phone: no
Echo Cancellation: 0 taps unless TDM bridged, currently OFF
Actual Confinfo: Num/0, Mode/0x0000
Actual Confmute: No

Are these settings configurable in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf?
David Kwok

Iaxtel/FWD # 17001813482

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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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