I have setup AgentCallbackLogin and the agents have been logged in

However when calls are queued and an agent picks up the call. It just
hang up the call.

On the command console it does say the agent "agent 1001 hang up on
customers. they must be pissed off". I agreed.

My queues.conf file:
agent => 1001,1001,xx ss

My queues.conf file:
announce = incoming
musice = default
member => Agent/1001
member => Agent/1002

My extensions.conf :

exten => 28,1,AgentCallbackLogin(|@local)
exten => 29,1,Queue(incoming)

In order to annonce to agent the correct queue does it have to have a
gsm file to playback the name of the queue ie "incoming" in this case?

-- David Kwok

Iaxtel/FWD # 17001813482 ext 1002

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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