Steven Critchfield wrote:

On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 13:46, Stephen R. Besch wrote:

Every once and a while * throws a new wrinkle at me. It has started, all on its own, to make these annoying little beeps evey time a message prints at the CLI. If I bring down * and restart, they go away for a time, then seem to spontaneously reappear sometime later. It's almost as if * is starting to experience the "Terrible Twos"! No one else seems to be complaining about this, but I nevertheless assume that I can somehow disable this feature, I just can't seem to find out how. Maybe something like

>CLI stop beeping damit?

I think that is due to there being a character on the CLI. Try hitting
enter to clear the line, or hit ctrl-l to do a screen redraw and see
whats on the line.

That was it. I even found out how the characters ("//") get typed. I have a KVM switch to pop between systems and I also have an annoying habit of hitting "//" rather than <ctrl><ctrl> to switch screens. It's amazing the trouble that a little sloppy typing can get one into! Thanks Steven.

Stephen R. Besch

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