On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Norbert Zawodsky <norb...@zawodsky.at>wrote:

> Maybe just a typo ? Misplaced dots between all those 1's and 0's ...
> Maybe we should call it version "12" instead of 1100 ;-)
> Am 22.07.2011 21:50, schrieb Danny Nicholas:
>> I thought it was going to be 1.10.0
No, they're referring to the new asterisk numbering system announced
yesterday on the asterisk-announce mailing list[1].  Basically, the
consensus was (amongst Digium employees I assume, since I didn't see any
discussion on the topic on this list or the -dev list (although I admit I
don't follow the -dev list as closely)) that there is basically never going
to be a change so drastic to the asterisk core that it would warrant calling
it Asterisk 2.0.  Because of this, the whole concept of having 1.x releases
becomes redundant, since it leads one to believe that eventually there will
be a 2.0, so they're dropping the "1." part of the version numbers, and
starting with what would have been version 1.10, they'll just start calling
it version 10.0.  The next version would be Asterisk 11.0, and then Asterisk
12.0, etc.

Personally, I think this is a horrible idea.  I thought Digium would have
better sense than this, especially after the failed experiment with the
1.6.x numbering change that they reverted on within 18 months.  The
confusion caused by the several different version numbers is significant,
and unnecessary.  Also, the fact that there have been three separate
numbering schemes in the last 3 years give me the impression of instability
and insecurity in the maintainers of the project, because if something as
simple as incrementing a version number can't be figured out, how reliable
is the asterisk project itself?  Big version number changes should indicate
big changes to the core of the system, not just a change in the philosophy
on how you want to number and market your project.

I guess what I'm getting at is this - if you're convinced that there's
enough change to the core to warrant a version number change away from 1.x,
then just make it 2.0, not 10.0.  Jumping from 1.8 to 10.0 is just

[1] -

--Warren Selby, dCAP
http://www.SelbyTech.com <http://www.selbytech.com>
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