I had two system freezes this weekend, first time. I just setup Musiconhold. The
kernel panic referenced mpg123. I turned off musiconhold until I could look into
it more.

Jonathan Moore
Director of Technology
Winfield Public Schools
Office 620.221.5100
Fax 620.221.0508

Quoting Mark Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > Currently in progress of trying to debug similar
> > problem on my own system.  Sometimes it happened
> > during call transfers,  but this last time,
> > it happened all by itself at 4:00 AM, no calls even
> > close.  Complete system Freeze, Nothing at all
> > workings, except the reset button.
> >
> > You setup is vastly different from mine to.
> > Dual Pentium III  SMP, X100P  Dual TDM400P
> We have a tracking bug, 963, for the system crash.  Things which seem to
> be most commonly associated with a system freeze:
> MeetMe
> eepro100 or e1000 ethernet
> I've been working with alexz on the SMP + MeetMe issues and believe we may
> be nearing some closure there.  However on systems with more than one
> card, I also have a potential fix which would essentially force
> zt_receive() and zt_transmit() to only be called for a single span at a
> time using the same bigzaplock that prevents you from changing
> conferencing during the major conferencing chunk of code (as well as
> opening/closing channels).  If you have a problem like this, please try to
> follow bug 963 and try to get at the heart of what causes it.
> Remember that for there to be any valuable information in the backtrace,
> you will have to take the results of the panic and feed them into
> ksymoops.  Thanks!
> Mark
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