Phil has been using his pseudonym for years, and Alex and his painful/painstaking posting is the only one I have seen even raising the issue.

Says even more about Alex than Phil

Peg Leg O'Brien

Alex Balashov wrote:
I wasn't so much poking fun at the substance of your post as the fact that 
you're the only person on this mailing list that posts with a pseudonym, and at 
that, one evocative of online gaming or forum environments.  It just doesn't 
fit with the culture or the relatively serious, substantive and adult-oriented 
tenor of this type of list.  Do you not notice that?

At the risk of being rude, "--[ UxBoD ]--" is something that belongs in WoW or 
a phpBB board full of spotty adolescents.

If your real name is Phil, why not post as such?  Okay, so maybe you don't want to give out your 
surname for one reason or another--fair enough.  So, post as "Phil", or "Phil 
D.", if your full name were Phil Deleterious.

There's no rule saying you have to.  However, the survival of most human social 
institutions, including those devoted to the exchange of knowledge, is upheld 
in part by adherence to some conventions of self-presentation and deportment.  
These conventions help delineate the identity and character of the venue to 
outsiders, and assist in self-knowledge and affirmation of that character 

Everyone else here posts with their full name because it communicates: "I am a real, 
adult person solving real-world technical problems related to Asterisk." It is, at 
least in part, an affirmation of the fact that real personalities--real humans, real 
identities--underlie participation in Internet forums, especially specialised ones.  It 
is also a nod to the benificent academic origins of the Internet.  There are reasons for 
these conventions.  They encapsulate our creation mythos, and they tell us what kind of 
people we are, as a community.

Quite frankly, your From: display name spits on the pedigree, on the storied 
heritage of how this open-source community came to be.  It is not deferential 
to the accrued wisdom of Internet-focused technical specialists in areas such 
as Asterisk or IP telephony, and it does not hallow the ground on which we 
tread.  It says that the ROFLcopter has landed!!!111 and lol p0wned teh n00bs.

Except, you're being the n00b.  Come on, Phil.  Self-awareness is important.  I know I am 
being a self-important ass pontificating on this to you.  Are you okay with an ASCII art 
pseudonym that says, "I'm a 14 year old playing WoW on a delapidated, slightly 
yellowed Windows tower draped in dirty underwear"?  If not for you, why not for us?  
Please post with a real name.

This message was painstakingly thumbed out on my mobile, so apologies for 
brevity, errors, and general sloppiness.

Alex Balashov - Principal
Evariste Systems LLC
260 Peachtree Street NW
Suite 2200
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: +1-678-954-0670
Fax: +1-404-961-1892

On Jan 24, 2012, at 6:02 AM, "--[ UxBoD ]--"<>  wrote:

LOL :) that really made me chuckle this morning; and very apt for the fact I 
did not post any fundamental details about the issue.  All points duly noted!
Thanks, Phil

----- Original Message -----

Is --[ UxBoD ]-- a first-person shooter gang--er, clan--name? Like,
one of those who rocket-jumps onto the platform and camps with the
grenade launcher, trying to stop the reds from capturing the blue
flag? I hate how the health and the ammo takes so long to respawn.
Is there any way to fix that in deathmatch?
This message was painstakingly thumbed out on my mobile, so apologies
for brevity, errors, and general sloppiness.
Alex Balashov - Principal
Evariste Systems LLC
260 Peachtree Street NW
Suite 2200
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: +1-678-954-0670
Fax: +1-404-961-1892
On Jan 24, 2012, at 2:10 AM, "--[ UxBoD ]--"<>
--[ UxBoD ]--
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