Hi all,

I use astersk 11.7.0 on Ubuntu 12.04.01 TLS (i386). I use cdr_adaptive_odbc
to write CDR to my MySQL's cdr table.
After my testing, this scenario is working well.

After a long idle time, I didn't make any call to the asterisk server.
When I try to make a call again after 8 hours, I found that the cdr lost.
It cannot be inserted to cdr table.
Also, I could not find the insert CDR messages in the CLI at this period.

Could you please tell me which settings are wrong? Why dose my odbc
connection not re-connect to MySQL automatically?

I checked the setting below:

ubuntu*CLI> cdr show status

Call Detail Record (CDR) settings
  Logging:                    Enabled
  Mode:                       Simple
  Log unanswered calls:       Yes
  Log congestion:             Yes

* Registered Backends
    Adaptive ODBC

ubuntu*CLI> odbc show all

ODBC DSN Settings

  Name:   asterisk
  DSN:    asterisk-connector
    Last connection attempt: 2014-01-11 18:16:40
  Pooled: Yes
  Limit:  1000
  Connections in use: 0

-------------- /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf lists below:
unanswered = yes
congestion = yes

usegmtime=no    ; log date/time in GMT.  Default is "no"
loguniqueid=yes  ; log uniqueid.  Default is "no"
loguserfield=yes ; log user field.  Default is "no"
accountlogs=yes  ; create separate log file for each account code. Default
is "yes"

-------------- /etc/odbc.ini
Description           = MySQL connection to 'asterisk' database
Driver                = MySQL
Database              = mydatabase
Server                = localhost
UserName              = root
Password              = mypassword
Port                  = 3306
Socket                = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

-------------- /etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf lists below:

enabled => yes
dsn => asterisk-connector
password => mypassword
pre-connect => yes
sanitysql => select 1
pooling => yes
idlecheck => 30
share_connections => yes
limit => 1000
connect_timeout => 60
negative_connection_cache => 600

-------------- /etc/asterisk/cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf lists below:
alias start => calldate
alias phoneno => phoneno
alias userid => userid
alias callerid => callerid

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