On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 10:37:21PM -0500, Tim Sailer wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 04:33:41PM -0500, mattf wrote:
> > Take a look at my GUI app:
> > 
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/astguiclient/
> > 
> > It'll run on Linux and Windows, it's written in perl and it'll list every
> > channel(Zap/SIP/Local) that is active on your system updated every second.
> > 
> > You can also do a lot of other things with it too.
> > 
> > We've been using it here at my company for months on over 60 computers and
> > it scales rather well.
> I looked at it, and it won't work for me the way you have written it
> without me hacking at it. You insist on having MySQL run in network
> mode. I really don't want another port/service running on a box that
> is internet-facing... call me silly. :) For things like this, I'll only
> have the service running locally.

OK, following up on my own e-mail, I have the gui working with the
unix socket by doing the following:

in libs/AST_VICI_conf.pl:

$DB_server = '';                # MySQL server IP
#added unix socket to support local use - tps 02252004
$DB_unixsocket = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'; # path to local socket

in AST_WINphoneAPP_0.9.pl and AST_update.pl, changed every instance of:

my $dbh = Net::MySQL->new(hostname => "$DB_server", database => "$DB_database", user 
=> "$DB_user", password => "$DB_pass") 
                or      die "Couldn't connect to database: \n";


my $dbh = Net::MySQL->new(unixsocket => "$DB_unixsocket", hostname => "$DB_server", 
database => "$DB_database", user => "$DB_user", password => "$DB_pass") 
                or      die "Couldn't connect to database: \n";

Now it starts up and runs, and the Zap channels are seen, but not the SIP
ones yet...


>> Tim Sailer                       ><  Coastal Internet, Inc.          <<
>> Network and Systems Operations   ><  PO Box 726                      <<
>> http://www.buoy.com              ><  Moriches, NY 11955              <<
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     ><  (631) 399-2910  (888) 924-3728  <<
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