On Sun, 2004-03-07 at 13:03, Philipp von Klitzing answered off-list:
> > [6040]
> > defaultip=
> Replace this with "host=dynamic" and see what happens.

That's it !

Thinking it was going to make things easier to diagnose, I had chosen to
set the phones with a static IP. Apparently, wether defaultip is set or
not, when the phone uses a static IP address, some assumptions are made
about authentication. I do not understand what they are and which side
assumes something, but it prevents SIP registration. Setting
host=dynamic even though I use static IP addresses solved the problem.

Many hours went into finding that out. If somebody has a clue about how
the a static IP address influences the SIP registration process, I would
be happy to know about it.

> > reinvite=no
> That paramter does not exist - use "canreinvite=" instead of "reinvite="
> This is a common error, and there are even examples on the web that 
> include this faulty setup option.

I also saw it in several examples.

> > dtmfmode=rfc2833
> For voicemail I had to switch to =info, but if =rfc works fine for you 
> then stick with it.

Thanks for all that advice, and thanks to others who contributed to this
thread. Now that I have completed my first Grandstream to Grandstream
call via the Asterisk server I feel much better and I can't wait for the
QuadBRI to arrive so I can really begin to make useful stuff !

Here is my current working configuration :

- In sip.conf :


- On the phone side :

SIP User ID: 6040
Authenticate ID: 6040
Authenticate Password: mysecret
SIP User ID is phone number: Yes
(everything else is default)

Nothing special about that configuration, so I guess it's not worthy of
a wiki addition. What would be and should really should be looked into
is the failure of SIP registration when a static IP is set without

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