Running asterisk 18 in a FreeBSD 12-STABLE platform, asterisk.conf contains 
some FreeBSD
style delegations of the directoris used by default.

First of all: the configuration of the Asterisk instance is done in a simple, 
plain way
using static config files!

We face a weird behaviour with the default sample entry one can find in
etc/asterisk.conf, the entry 

astspooldir     =>              /pool/logging/var/spool/asterisk

results in a voicemail folder created at


and not at /pool/logging/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/... as we would expect. 
ommiting the "(!)" tag

astspooldir     =>              /pool/logging/var/spool/asterisk

results in the desired behaviour! This is weird. Where can I find some 
informations about
the usage of the "(!)" in this context? As far as I know, the "(!)" marks a 
stanza as
pristine/unique and is not to be expanded by other stanzas (or objects, I'm not 
familiar with the variaty of semantics ...). I derive this from my knowledge 
taken from
the syntax/semantics of extensions configuration.

Another problem, as the subjects may state, is to have additional sounds 
alongside the
default ones.

The default sounds shipped with the FreeBSD port of Asterisk are located at
/usr/local/share/asterisk/sounds/en. We'd like to stay with any default, since 
directory configuration pointing to the top level directory of sounds is

astdatadir      =>              /usr/local/share/asterisk

The installation image of asterisk is changing from time to time due to 
updates. The
additional configurations should be kept outside the default paths, but sounds 
located as a subdirectory adjacent with a lot of other default directories I'd 
like to
keep as they are.

For voicemail and other purposes we need other languages, German (de_DE/de), 
French (fr)
and so on. We'd like to put those additions into different directories, 
maintaining them
separately and leave the original folders untouched.

Does Asterisk provide a mechanism to expand/searches directories?

I tried to study the example/sample configuration files but I coul not find a 
hint how to
explicitely set the directory (absolute, relative) for sounds in a defined 
stanza (the
"[...]" thing i.e. in etc/voicemail.conf and so on).

Thanks in advance,

best regards

O. Hartmann

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