> The thing is,Im not the sharpest tool in the shed, and I really need
> help setting it up.I've installed Asterisk but thats how far I'm
> getting,would you please Help me,Please

We have managed to deploy a Voicetronix OpenLine4 PCI card and are using it
successfully now - though it did take us longer than your current seven days
to get it working! So don't worry, you're not that slow.

What specific problems are you experiencing at the moment? If you could
provide a bit more detail, it might help me/us better troubleshoot your

The vpb driver only works in fxo mode - so your vpb.conf file should read
somthing similar to:

    echocancel = on
    board = 1

    context = sip
    mode = fxo
    channel = 1

- that's assuming you are only using one interface. So far, we have only
successfully managed to get one interface working - the Voicetronix card (at
least on our hardware anyway) seems VERY bad at handling two simultaneous
calls, so we use it as a single port only.

For outgoing calls, you need to insert into your extensions.conf a line
similar to "exten => 9,1,Dial(vpb/1-1/)" (depending on exactly what you
want). One stage dialing does not work with the voicetronix under asterisk,
as there is no method to pause the voicetronix card between picking up the
hook and sending DTMF.

If this doesn't help you, post something more specific and we'll go from

- Terence

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