
I posted the modified app_dial.c and the diff file at the following URLs:

Basically it adds a B(x) option to the dial command.  It will auto
disconnect the call x seconds after the call was bridged (connected) - as
apposed to disconnecting in x seconds after the call was dialed.

Feel free to ask questions.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Storm D. J.
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 7:48 PM
To: Asterisk-Users
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] FW: question about prepaid app_prepaid
Importance: High


As you asked, I have included my diff to what I did for the DIAL command.  I
probably didn't stick to some * pre-agreed standard of coding or something,
so if these things offend you then I suggest that you close your eyes. :)

The biggest thing to consider when you are doing a prepaid system is, what
if the person with the same account in/out calls twice?  I chose, for now,
just to keep track in a database if an account is in use or not.  Only
allowing calls to be placed/answered when the account was not engaged with
another call.  It was that fastest way to implement my credit system.  This
way is too limited for my liking and wanted to look into more on a way to
check in the scheduler to track credits used in real-time to allow multiple
calls out on the same account.  I haven't had time to look into this in much
detail, but I am certain I can hack it into the Asterisk system - if not it
could always be done with an external daemon.

Let me know if anyone has thoughts about this.

Hope this helps people.

ps. Reposted this so that it would fit into the threads proper.


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