On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, mattf waxed:

> - Shady-dial (http://shadydial.sourceforge.net/)
>       Lead by some nice Europeans, they have a beta of it up and running
> supposedly handling up to 10 agents per server, although I'm not sure of
> exactly what level of 'Predictive' the dialer is(whether it detects
> voicemail/answering machines and such). This dialer alters the code of
> Asterisk and is dependant upon PostgreSQL as a database backend. There is
> some documentation on installation and usage and it is released mostly under
> the GPL. This dialer does not restrict what kind of phones you can use with
> it(I'd love to hear more from them or people using this system on the
> specifics of their project)

Damn, I wish I was European some days !  Stupid Bush.  But
alas, I am an imperialist American, whose lowly shady dial
is really the bare bones of predictive dialers.

I have been customizing the system for a client, however,
and can't decide yet how much should go back into the
project CVS.  Of course, any changes to the * code base will
always be there; specifically these are changes to allow
phone key results to PostgreSQL.  I think the rest have been
incorporated thru the bug tracker by now as they were
generic enough to be useful by others.

The changes outside CVS are many, including reporting, book
management, and utilizing 2 line LCD displays for name and
address information.  The code is all still written in Tcl.
But while the core dialing routines will be updated in CVS,
it's very much customized for this client's particular
needs in other areas, so I'm not sure all of that code will
make it back in.  However, I am planning to fork off my
*-Tcl manager interface in the very near future, since it's
functional enough to be useful in other projects of mine.
That will probably be released under a BSDish license soon.

There is no capacity yet for answering machine detection,
and frankly, none is planned.  The predictive nature is
simply counting the agents, counting the calls (busy, no
answer, timeout, etc.), timing the calls, and making sure
the abandon rate doesn't get too high.

Currently, the only known system that I'm aware of has been
running 12 hours a day for the past few months with 6 agents.
I am rolling out another one next month of the same size for
the same client.  Connections between the dialer(s) and the
main switch is over IAX, but the agents use analog phones so
those are Zaptel channels.  You could probably use any
connection you want, tho.

It's pretty much hands off at this point, except when
someone gets upset by my music on hold selection.  (I
personally think that Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass

For something similar to shady dial, take a look at this:


> - VICIDIAL (http://astguiclient.sf.net/)
>       Lead by my company, we are currently developing our 6th production
> release of a one-call-at-a-time dialer(this is NOT predictive). We have
> placed over one million calls through this system in the last 12 months
> mostly to the UK and Australia. It has complete installation instructions,
> full web-based administration as well as a cross-platform GUI client. It is
> mostly written in perl, runs on top of an unaltered Asterisk codebase, is
> dependant on a MySQL as it's backend database and is released under the GPL.
> If you use this you are limited to SIP clients and Zaptel channels. There
> are currently 6 companies that are using this system in production
> envoronments that I know about.(I'd love to hear from other companies using


Is VICIDIAL a turn key system ?  Shady dial is getting closer,
but still not there yet.  I mean, I can't ship somebody a
big brown box with instructions and have that be it.


Chris Maj, Rochester
Pronunciation Guide: Maj == May
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