On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, Tim Jackson wrote:

> We just got setup with Broadvoice yesterday for LD. This isn't something
> I REALLY need (No local numbers avail so we just got a Houston number),
> but I'm just curious. I can make outbound calls to Broadvoice and they
> work great, but I can't do inbound. I have bv's voicemail turned off so
> all I get is a busy signal when I call our bv number. I've tried this
> with both type=peer and type=friend and I get the same results, any
> ideas?

in the * CLI, use 'sip show registry' to find out whether you're really
registered with the BV servers. Also use 'sip debug' and then place a
call. See whether your screen gets filled with a transcript of the
conversation between your * and BV. If it does, then read through every
line to decide whether what it says seems reasonable (or not). You should
at least see attempts by your * to register with BV. If these don't get
any reply, then you're probably fighting NAT or some other network issue.
Once the registration is successful, then BV should know where to find you
so that they can route your inbound calls. These may also be getting
dumped by a router/nat somewhere along the network.

Hopefully these tips will aid you in diagnosing the problem!


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