Seth Remington wrote:
On Mon, 2004-11-08 at 17:47, Christopher Dobbs wrote:
Does anyone know how to transfer ADSI information over IAX, I have 
looked at the code, and it apears that this is posible.

I think ADSI currently only works with Zap channels. You are correct
that it should be possible with any channel type but my understanding is
that it's only currently implemented in the Zap channel driver. I don't
have paperwork to back that up though :)

What are you trying to do? Run an analog ADSI phone through an IAXy or


I am trying to extend my phone service to my dads house, we both are connected to the same wireless internet provider.  I want to be able to access my voice mail while at his house, and I want to be able to use the ADSI VM interface.  Further more I am writeing an ADSI program for configuring the call routing of the asterisk PBX.  I have 4 phone lines and I want to export 2 of them to my fathers house.  (Well actuly They are already there, but not using ADSI)

The IAX source has information it it about ADSI, but I dont understand it well enough to know how to transfer the ADSI stream.
(If fact, it apears that IAX maintains a flag as to wether or not the other end supports ADSI)

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