On Fri, Mar 25, 2005 at 01:18:21PM -0800, Sys Admin wrote:
> if some one was to create a open source IAX client as good/better then
> skype, even then a asterisk IAX based network will not be able to
> compete with skype. Since asterix is a centralized server regitration
> network it can not grow as big as a skype P2P network can grow,

One thing Skype has going for them, they have clients for Linux and
Windows. I like Firefly, but no Linux interface. Until I found x-lite
for linux I couldn't find a single Linux client that came remotly to
Just Working. I downloaded Skype for Linux and it worked out of the
box, first time, no hassles. How can you compete with that.

Asterisk is a PBX, Skype is not, but Skype solves a problem simply and
straight forwardly that Asterisk doesn't.
Martijn van Oosterhout
Ecomtel Pty Ltd
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