There are a couple ways to do this.  Or shoiuld be anyway.  One is by
setting the context as you have done.  The other is by setting the
extension at the end of the register line and doing a
goto(someplace,s,1) for one line and goto(someplaceelse,s,1) for the
other all from the same context.  

If one doesnt work for any reason you may try the other to see if that
does, if neither works then there is something wrong with your
broadvoice setup somehow.

On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 01:11 +0000, John Millican wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have asked this question of Broadvoice support and the following is their 
> responce:
> John,
> Unfortunately we are not able to fully support asterisk. We refer customers
> to the Asterisk forums where users are quite well versed and some are
> affiliated with BroadVoice. 
>  The only thing that comes to mind is that you may have to specify different
> ports for each number.
>  Thank you,
> BroadVoice Customer Care
>  tried and not getting responce (down? or just me?)
> I can call in to and out of * from either number/account that i have.  The 
> problem is i would like to answer with different prompts based on which 
> account/number the called dialed but broadvoice sends the call as if it came 
> from whichever account i register second.
> Executing Answer("SIP/xxxxxx1492-d5d8", "") in new stack 
> This is the same regardless off the number i call.
> I have tried register => <user>:<pass>      for first 
> line and <user2>:<pass2>
> this does not work for me. Is it possible to register on different ports?
> relevant sip.conf
> [broadvoice]
> type=peer
> username=xxxxxx1405
> fromuser=xxxxxx1405
> secret=<sniped pass>
> context=broadvoice
> dtmfmode=inband
> disallow=all
> allow=ulaw
> canreinvite=no
> nat=yes
> insecure=very
> [broadvoice2]
> type=peer
> username=xxxxxx1492
> fromuser=xxxxxx1492
> secret=<sniped pass>
> context=broadvoice2
> dtmfmode=inband
> disallow=all
> allow=ulaw
> canreinvite=no
> nat=yes
> insecure=very
> any help is much appreciated
> Thank you,
> John M
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